Poster Collection

Selected posters from last year

Here are a series of posters I have designed in the past year for various projects

Student Scholars Day 2015 Poster

Designed as poster for the Department of Art and Design Exhibition during Student Scholar's Day, it features the list of exhibitos and custom-made typography that works as a metaphor for the diversity of work produced in the Department of Art and Design.

Poster Collection

Taste of Soul 2015 Poster

Designed as a submission entry for the Grapnd Rapids Public Library competition, it aims to advertise the Taste of Soul event. The idea is to use iconic people, cultural manifestations and habits of African-American culture within these rectangular shapes that visually allude to library stacks and bookc spines.

Poster Collection

International Compost Awareness Week Poster Competition

Designed to advertise the International Compost Awareness Week. The idea was to define a landscape in which every element of it can be affected and improved by composting. The copy was required by the competition brief.

Poster Collection